Educational literature
Specialists of the department shall consult on pyrotechnic training, develop recommendations, guidelines and methods to ensure the clearance of areas and facilities assess pyrotechnic units perform actions quickly and Rescue Service of Civil Protection GSCHS Ukraine demining, develop training manuals on subjects of the department, namely
1. Lokalіzatsіya that lіkvіdatsіya nadzvichaynih situatsіy on gіdrotehnіchnih sporudah: navch. posіb. / O.Y. Matsko. Y.N. Ubaydullaєv, V.V. Barbashin, І.O. Tolkunov.-X.: NUTSZU, 2012.-116c;
2. Bases organіzatsії pіrotehnіchnih robіt: Navchalna posіbnik / VV. Barbashin, O.O. Nazarov, V.V. Ryutіn, І.O. Tolkunov, for Ed .. V.P. Sadkovogo. X: NUTSZU, 2011. - 333s.
3. Disposal and destruction of explosive devices: Handbook Volume I. The procedure and rules for disposal of explosive items / V.V. Barbashyn, A.M. Smirnov, I.A. Tolkunov. - К .: NUTSZU, LTD Panov AM, 2015. - 570 p.
4. Dotable help: a textbook on the course "Emergency medicine" / K.O.Vander, I.A. Tolkunov, A.V. Romin; under. Society. red. K.O. Wonder. - К .: NUTSZU, 2015. - 457 p.
5. Fundamentals and special military training: Textbook / A.Y. Bugaev, G.V. Iwaniec, O.N. Ignatiev, I.A. Tolkunov. - К .: NUTSZU, 2016. - 104 p.
6. Disposal and destruction of explosive devices: Handbook Volume IІ. Safety precautions when handling rockets and ammunition during recycling / V.V. Barbashyn, A.M. Smirnov, I.A. Tolkunov. - К .: NUTSZU, LTD Panov AM, 2018. - 484 p.
7. Disposal and destruction of explosive devices: Handbook Volume IІІ. Organization of the disposal and destruction of missiles and ammunition in arsenals, bases and warehouses / V.V. Barbashyn, A.M. Smirnov, I.A. Tolkunov. - К .: NUTSZU, LTD Panov AM, 2018. - 416 p.
8.Basics of fire training. Tutorial / Udyansky M.M., Tolkunov I.O., Bondarenko O.O., Matukhno V.V., Oleksa V.M. Tutorial. – Х.: NUTSZU, 2019. – 156 p.
9.Fundamentals of special and military training / Matukhno V.V., Tolkunov I.O., Popov I.I., Ivanets G.V., Bondarenko O.O., Stetsyuk E.I. Textbook. - H .: NUTSZU, 2020. - 275 p.