Main objectives department

- The formation of cadets, students and trainees distance learning body of knowledge, skills and ideas on the organization and implementation of the activities of civil protection and decision-making in emergency situations to protect personnel and the public;
- Training specialist who would be confidently used means of radiation, chemical, biological protection; was able to perform activities for rendering pre-medical assistance; know how to properly and in a timely manner to organize and implement activities on ensuring radiation, chemical and biological protection during the liquidation of consequences of emergency situations; perform medical support of the population in the areas of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters;
- Formation of skills in the organization to store, search , detection, cleaning areas, transportation and disposal of explosive ordnance and explosives, special work for the collapse of structures and facilities, making passages in the rubble, movement of large masses of soil, localization of major fires, protection of hydraulic structures in an ice drift blasting;
- Training of officers who know the purpose and content of topographic maps that can quickly learn and properly evaluate their properties using tactical areas who confidently landmark in different conditions, are capable of delivering targeting the management units and skillfully develop graphic documents;
- Research in the field of civil protection of population and territories against emergencies of peace and war;
- Assistance to the University in organizing and conducting educational work with cadets, students and listeners.

These tasks are performed through the integration of training and practice, the full and effective use of all elements of the educational process, taking into account the capabilities of modern information technology.