Department of prevention activities and monitoring

Department of prevention activities and monitoring of the Faculty of Civil Protection is a basic structural unit of the Faculty of Civil Protection of National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine. Department graduates with training educational qualification of "Bachelor" in the direction 26 "Civil Security" in the direction of 263 "Civil Security " and "specialist" in the direction 26 "Civil Security" in the direction of 263 "Civil Security", in the direction of 263 "In the field of Civil Protection Office".
The department has 9 employees, of which 5 certified positions. Research and teaching staff of the department are the union of scientists and practical workers who once held senior positions in divisions of SES of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, which allows high-level scientific and pedagogical conduct classes according to the curriculum training.

The main objectives of the department:

  1. Conducting educational and methodical activities for:
      Educational qualification of "Bachelor":
            The direction of 263 "Civil Protection";
            The direction of 263 "Health";
            The direction of 261 "Fire Safety";
            The direction of 101 "Ecology, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Nature";
            The direction of 161 "Chemical Technology";
            The direction of 053 "Psychology"
        Educational qualification of "specialist":
            Areas of Knowledge 26 "Civil Security";
            Specialty 261 "Fire Safety";
            Specialty 263 "Health";
            Specialty 263 "Civil Defense";
            Areas of Knowledge 05 "Social and Political Sciences";
            Specialty 053 "Psychology".
        Educational qualification of "Master":
            Areas of Knowledge 26 "Civil Security";
            Specialty 261 "Fire Safety";
            Specialty 261 "Management of Fire";
            Specialty 263 "Management of Civil Protection." Specialty 263 "Civil Defense";
            Areas of Knowledge 05 "Social and Political Sciences";
            Specialty 053 "Psychology".


  1. Department's collaboration with other institutions and organizations:
    To study the practical experience and school organization department regularly attend universities: National Technical University "KPI" National University "Law Academy of Ukraine Ya.Mudroho" Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. G.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy and others.
        Department organized practical training at JSC "Kharkiv CHP-5" - Kharkiv region. Derhachevskiy district, p. Podvorki. Practical exercises are conducted with the assistance of technical staff facilities and practitioners state fire control units guarding these objects.
  2. Methodological work:
    Methodical work at the department is organized and carried out according to regulations MOE, Ministry of Education of Ukraine, NUCDU. Develop training programs, case plans, methodical instructions and texts of lectures, teaching materials, making tickets of preparation for state exams Bachelor, Bachelor's and Master.
        Department involved in review at NUCPU,conduct instructional and methodological training with Team Leader humanitarian training.
  3. Editorial and Publishing:
    Lecturer prepared and published manuals on civil protection, and emergency and fire safety, and practical guidance on key issues disciplines.
  4. Research:
    Main research areas of the department
            Monitoring and prevention activities of state supervision in the field of fire and industrial safety, civil protection.
            Research pozhezhovybuhonebezpeky and taking steps to ensure fire and technological safety of potentially dangerous objects and objects with a high risk.
            Vocational education and training of future specialists in civil protection Universities of SES of Ukraine.

    The results of the research are introduced, in the form of practical techniques and research work of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Civil Protection, research institutions of forensic examination of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
        In the form of recommendations in practice of SES of Ukraine in Kharkiv region. The training process of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named by Heroes of Chernobyl, "Kharkivpozhtehnika."
  5. Organization of practical training and internships, as Inspector of Technological Safety Management prevention of disasters of SES of Ukraine in Kharkiv region.