Department of logistics and technical support of rescue operations


Научно-педагогический состав кафедры

 Scientific and teaching staff of the Department conducts educational activities of applicants of higher education in the following specialities and specializations: 

In the first (bachelor) level of higher education in field 26 of the "Civil security", specialty - 263 "Civil security":
  • specialization - civil protection.
  • specialization - telecommunication systems in management;
  • specialization - engineering support engineer, pyrotechnic and explosive works;
  • specialization - labour protection;
  • specialization - expertise of labor protection and occupational risks.
In the first (bachelor) level of higher education in science 10 "Natural science", speciality - 101 "Ecology":
  • specialization - environmental safety;
  • specialize in extreme and crisis psychology.
In the field of knowledge 1702 "Civil security", the direction 6.170201 “Civil protection”
In the field of knowledge 1702 "Civil security", the direction 6.170201 “Civil protection”, specialization - engineering support engineer, pyrotechnic and blasting
In the field of knowledge 1702 "Civil security", the direction 6.170201 “Civil protection” (professional direction - operation telecommunication systems and networks)
In the second (master's) level of higher education in branch of knowledge 26 "Civil security",
specialty - 263 "Civil security":
  • specialization - civil protection.
  • specialization - management in the sphere of civil protection