Articles and publishing

Articles and publishing of Department

The department of logistics and technical support of rescue operations during 2011-2014 have been prepared such publications:


- Lecture on the subject "tactics Emergency Response" (compilers Guzenko V.A. Kamardash A.I., Neklonskiy I.M., Samarin, V.A.)

- Lecture on the subject "Rescue, engineering and fire equipment (Part 1) (compilers Grinchenko E.M., Grytsyna I.M., Sokolov D.L.)

- Workshop on the subject "Fundamentals rescue training" (compilers Kutyavin A.G., Ohrimenko V.V., Sokolov D.L., Elizarov A.V., Udyanskiy M.M. Grinchenko E.M.)

- Workshop on the subject "tactics Emergency Response" (compilers Guzenko V.A., Kamardash A.I., Neklonskiy I.M., Samarin V.A.)

- Guidelines for the study of the subject "emergency response tactics anthropogenic and natural character" (compilers Ushakov L.V., Guzenko V.A., Belan S.V., Neklonskiy I.M.)

In 2013 were published 2 monographs:

- "System-logistic approach in engineering design tribosystem" (authors Voytov V.A., Priymakov A.G., Hradiskiy Y.O., Guzenko V.A.)

- "Radiation safety of buildings and structures with uchetom ynnovatsyonnыh directed in the construction" (authors Belykov A.S., Kalda G.S., Pilipenko A.V., Sokolov I.A., Rahymov S.Y.)

- Every year at the Department as a part of Scientific Society of cadets and students work 20 cadets and students of the University.

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