
The disciplines taught at the Department:

1) in post-graduate education:
  Tactics in emergency response
  Organization of fire fighting and rescue operations
  Fire tactics, organizing and conducting rescue operations
  Fire and rescue equipment
  Organization of service and training

2) for educational qualification of "Master" Speciality 8.17020101 "Civil Protection" 8.17020102 "Management of Civil Protection":
  Organization and management of emergencies
  Office of Civil Protection Force during emergencies

3) for educational qualification of "Specialist" in the fields 7.17020101 "Civil Protection" 7.17020102 "Management of Civil Protection":
  Organization and management of emergencies

4) for educational qualification of "Bachelor" in the direction of 6.170201 "Civil Protection":
  Rescue training
  Tactics rescue techniques
  Rescue, fire engineering and machinery
  The organization of rescue and other emergency operations
  Professional training of civil defense
  Automated management and communication
  Primary lifeguard training

5) for educational qualification level "Bachelor" for directions 6.030102 "Psychology" 6.040106 "Ecology, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources" 6.170202 "Labor protection":
  Primary lifeguard training

6) for educational qualification level "Bachelor" for directions 6.051301 "Chemical Engineering" 6.170203 "Fire Safety":
  Automated management and communication

7) for educational qualification of "Specialist" in the specialty 7.05130106 "Environmental Chemical Technology":
  Automated process control systems in the chemical industries

8) for educational qualification of "Specialist" in the specialty 7.17020301 "Fire Safety":
  Applied Information Technology in the field of fire safety

9) for educational qualification of "Master" specialty 8.17020301 "Fire Safety":
  Applied Information Technology in the field of fire safety