Career guidance

As part of the career guidance specialists department monitoring and prevention activities meet with students of secondary schools.

In December 2013 as part of the "Day of prevention of disasters" in School number 129 personnel department monitoring and prevention activities together with the students of Master Control conducted interviews with students of 1-9  school grades on the following topics:

    Book Discussion A.Oberhynskoyi, Z.Ohorodniychuk A.Sychevskoho "Take care!" (1-A and 1-B);
    Conversation "Alphabet of rescuers for ordinary citizens" (2-4 grades);
    Conversation "What if you were in the center of the fire" (Grades 5-7);
    Conversation "Fire caught you in the room" (8-9 grades).

With tudents of 10-11  school grades was conducted vocational work "There is a profession - a savior."

The school has expressed gratitude to the members of the university for the interesting and informative conversation and expressed a wish to cooperate in the future.